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Malikussaleh University The 1st Economics and Business
International Conference (MUTEBIC) 2021


The concept of sharia economic development is currently a challenge and one of the important points in the development of the halal industry. Indonesia has been ranked as 10th of the 15th highest countries in developing halal products. It needs to be concerned as a national discourse. Various obstacles from external and internal sides become their challenge in carrying out the mission of halal products. This issue needs to be supported by all sectors, from governments, private and public. The public needs an awareness of the selection of halal products and it has become a sensitive issue, so all components need to take part in developing sharia-based halal economic growth. Indonesia’s potential in the halal industry has been able to increase economic growth in Indonesia. Some Asian countries have been able to produce halal food and break through the international market, and it will generate the following challenge for Indonesia. This opportunity should be a barometer for Indonesia to prepare adequate resources and will be able to make Indonesia as the biggest competitor, and should not only be enjoyed at this time but must pay attention to the survival of future generations through sustainable development. Determining halal food products in this global era is not simple and even has a high level of difficulty. This happens because of the large number of main ingredients and additives used to produce food and drink. The origin of ingredients obtained from Western countries or other non-Muslim countries. Those countries are recognized as the countries which produce ingredients contained with a lot of pork, slaughtered meat, alcohol which are not according to Sharia compliance. Therefore, the majority of Muslim communities in Indonesia (88%) must be protected by the right to get halal food and drinks because this is very important for Muslims. According to the Islamic faith, all the body parts that come from the forbidden goods will be placed in hell.​


Prof. Dr. Herman Fithra,

Prof. Dr. Raj Kumar Singh

Mutebic Raj

Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi

Yavuz Cetin

Dr.Sc.Enkeleda Lulaj


Prof. Dr. Ronie Figueiredo


Scope Topics and Scope of Discussion Topics:
1) Research-based activities for developing halal products and lifestyles
2) Halal food’s safety management and certification,
3) Implementation of halal concepts for social community
4) Market and promotion of halal products.
Scope:  Food Science and Technology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kosher and Halal SlaughterPractice, Cosmetics and Drug material, Islamic Finance, Economics and InternationalTrade, Islamic Marketing, Consumer Behavior
5) Accounting and Finance Big Data Analytics for Accounting
6) Business and Management
7) Business Information ManagementCommunications Management
8) Corporate Governancee
9) Corporate Social Responsibility
10) Demography
11) Economic Development
12) Economic Methodology
13) Economic Policy
14) Economic SystemsGlobal and Regional Business Growth
15) Health Economics
16) Human resource Management 


The 1th Economic and Business International Conference
29th – 30th September 2021


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